How to Upload Pictures From Gallery Blu Phone

I have a lot of photographs of my kids and grandkids on my smartphones. I was afraid I would lose them because I supercede my phone every twelvemonth or 2 and have pictures on at least half a dozen of them. I decided my best option was transferring them to either my computer or a flash drive just I did not know if that was even possible. After conducting some research, I was delighted to detect out it was.

Backing up your photos is very important to ensure you lot don't lose precious memories. You lot should ever shop a copy of important photos and files on a divide storage media like an external drive or a flash bulldoze. I know I've lost photos because I kept everything in 1 place. If you lot aren't great with computers, yous may find this a bit difficult. Read on to find out how to put pictures on a wink bulldoze.

How To Transfer Your Pictures To Flash Drive

How to put photos on a flash drive

The following sections will help you lot learn how to re-create your files for each organization. The basics are that you lot need to plug in your wink drive to a calculator or Mac and then re-create the photos to information technology. Each system has its own method of doing so, but it is easy to manage.

You will demand a PC or Mac with a USB port in order to use your flash drive. There are flash drives that can connect directly to a phone or tablet with a lightning port, micro USB port, or Blazon C port. This article assumes you have the typical USB flash drive. These are like shooting fish in a barrel to find in a large number of capacities at near stores that sell computer supplies.

Photos tend to be pocket-sized, so y'all don't necessarily need a huge storage size. However, if you take higher quality photos in their original format they will be larger.

Y'all can bank check how big of a flash drive you volition demand by putting all your photos into a folder on your computer and see how much storage space it takes upwardly. On PC, you lot can check hands by correct-clicking on the folder and selecting the properties choice.

Once you accept all your photos, y'all but drag this over to your flash drive and let it copy. On PC y'all can direct copy files past selecting them and so hitting the copy pick. It should ask you for a destination and y'all but select your wink drive.

Almost people detect dragging and dropping a folder much simpler, so if y'all are having trouble employ this method. The guides to follow tin help yous if you are really struggling. Simply look up what you are transferring and follow the simple tutorial.

Transfering Your Pictures from iPhone to a Flash Bulldoze on Windows

Y'all can download programs and apps that tin help with this. Most of these apps have elementary steps you can follow direct from them. They are installed on your PC or Mac.

Nevertheless, you don't demand to do that to transfer your photos. This assumes you lot have a PC. If you own a Mac, y'all tin can follow the instructions for Mac below after you get your photos onto your Mac. Well-nigh Macs accept methods to easily fill-in your photos to your Mac from your iPhone or iPad.

Your photos tin can be transferred from your iPhone to a flash drive using Windows. The steps you need to have are:

Option Ane

Accept the memory storage card y'all utilise for storing images out of your iPhone. Insert your card into your figurer slot or use an adapter card. Insert your flash drive into your computer, and so open up Windows Explorer. You can at present re-create your photos from the memory card of your iPhone to your flash drive.

Option Ii

Connect the USB cable to your iPhone camera if you do non take a memory bill of fare to save photos. Insert your flash drive into the memory storage slot for your figurer. Open Windows Explorer, find the images from your iPhone and drag and drop them to your memory card.

Selection Three

If your iPhone camera does not have a standard slot for a USB cablevision, find out which type of connector your camera requires. Certain cameras require a proprietary cable. Perform the same actions you would to insert a USB cable into your flash drive. Open your Windows Explorer, so drag and drop your photos onto your flash drive.

Option Four

Employ the infrared or Bluetooth capabilities of your iPhone with an infrared or Bluetooth enabled computer. Your photos need to be transferred from your iPhone to your computer hard drive before inserting your flash drive. You can now copy your photos from your computer hard drive and put them on your flash bulldoze.

How Practise I Transfer Pictures from My Android Phone to a Flash Drive?

Transferring your photos to your computer from your Android is necessary before you lot tin copy them to your flash bulldoze.

The majority of tools allow your photos to exist transferred from your camera roll at the same time. Finding the other photos you lot desire in different folders takes a lot of time. You can employ a data management tool for transferring your photos direct from your Android to your flash bulldoze.

At that place are information management tools for Android supporting all of your photos. All of your pictures volition be listed regardless of whether you downloaded them online or took them with your camera. Y'all can observe the pictures you lot desire to be transferred easily because they are in unlike folders. Yous will retain your picture quality considering you are copying the originals. More than i,500 photos can be transferred in three minutes.

Step one) Plug in your phone and transfer the photos

Plug your Android device into your calculator with a compatible cable. Open up up your Windows Explorer to discover your phone. Copy all the photos you want to be saved to a new binder on your desktop. This will make transferring it easier later on on.

Footstep 2) Plug your flash drive in and admission information technology

Plug your flash drive into an open up USB port. Open it with Windows Explorer and leave the window open.

Step three) Transfer your photos

Select the folder with your photos and elevate it to your flash drive window. Release it and information technology should re-create the binder and all the photos inside automatically. Exist sure to check that you accept them all.

Step 4) Squirt your flash drive

In your task tray, right-click the icon for your flash drive. Eject it and unplug the drive once your estimator tells you information technology's condom. Continue your wink drive in a safety place.

Transferring Photos from iPhone to Flash Bulldoze

Your photos can exist transferred to your flash drive using a different iDevice, your figurer or your iPhone with a single click. You tin use your app for both Windows and Mac for all of the following:

• Transferring big numbers of photos from your iPhone to USB in minutes
• Ensuring the original quality of your photos is preserved
• Transferring all of your photos including live photos, camera roll and screenshots
• Yous can also transfer other content such as messages and music

Downloading AnyTrans is gratis. Your pictures can be transferred from your iPhone to your flash drive past following the steps below.

Method 1: Transfering With App

Pace 1)

Open AnyTrans, then connect your wink drive to your iPad or iPhone using your USB cable. In one case your USB flash drive is continued to your computer, select Device Manager. Now click on your Photos tab.

Transferring Photos from iPhone to Flash Drive

Stride 2)

Choose the pictures you want to be transferred, so click the button marked Ship to PC. Y'all will receive a prompt asking y'all to change your export setting. You can change your export path past clicking OK.

Transferring Photos from iPhone to Flash Drive

Step 3)

Transferring Photos from iPhone to Flash Drive
You are now ready for transferring your pictures to your USB flash drive from your iPhone. Y'all can select your flash drive as your export path by clicking on Select and so Open up. At present click on Save to start your transfer.

Step four)

Once the process is finished, you tin check your computer to make certain all of your photos take transferred correctly.

Method two: Transfering With Cable

You can download programs and apps that can help with this. Virtually of these apps take elementary steps you lot can follow straight from them. They are installed on your PC or Mac. Nevertheless, you lot don't need to do that to transfer your photos.

This assumes you accept a PC. If you ain a Mac, you can follow the instructions for Mac below after you become your photos onto your Mac. Most Macs have methods to easily backup your photos to your Mac from your iPhone or iPad.

Footstep i) Transfer your photos to your estimator

Plug your iPhone into your estimator with a lightning cablevision and your computer should register information technology. Once information technology does, select it and explore your phone. Re-create your photos to your PC by selecting them. If your estimator won't access your iPhone's storage, you can also adhere photos to an email that you open from your estimator and download it from in that location to your computer.

This method merely allows y'all to transfer a few photos at a time. You can pick an awarding that will help if you lot like, just exist sure you pick a safe one and employ a virus browse before you use information technology.

Step 2) Select the photos

Select the photos from your iPhone and re-create them to your flash drive. Yous tin can just copy and paste as yous would with text, or select the selection from the menu you lot get when you correct-click. You tin can besides put the photos in a binder.

Make a new one and transfer all your photos to it. And then drag the binder to your flash drive and information technology should re-create all the photos. Be sure to cheque that they are all there.

Step 3) Eject your wink drive

Once everything is copied, right-click your wink bulldoze on your taskbar and eject information technology. Once your computer says information technology's rubber to remove, remove the drive and store it safely.

If you lot're not tech savy, nosotros have a gadget that solves your bug. It's chosen ThePhotoStick, information technology backs up your photos & videos with just one click.

Simply plug information technology in your Computer or Mobile device and it will backup your files automatically with just a click of a push. Also it will skip duplicates.


Continue reading below

Transferring Photos from iPhone to Flash Bulldoze on Mac

One of the best iOS transfering software for directly transfering your pictures to your Mac flash bulldoze from your iPhone is FonePaw iOs. There are other options merely this will make transferring your photos a lot simpler. Your photos tin can be directly transferred to your USB flash drive from your iPhone or transferred to your computer and and so your flash drive.

Syncing files from your iPhone is dissimilar than using iTunes Your text to link... because your Mac program will not transfer the original files on your iPhone. You can also transfer movies, contacts, videos, Telly shows and music from your iPhone. The majority of iPad and iPhone models are supported including iPad mini, iPad Air ii and iPad Pro.

  1. Step 1)

    You beginning by connecting your flash bulldoze and iPhone to your Mac computer. Open FonePaw, and connect your Mac to your USB flash drive. Once everything has been detected, your primary programme window will testify your iPhone. Your Mac volition detect your USB flash drive.

  2. Footstep 2)

    Look at the left side of your primary window for your FonePaw iOS transfer. Find the Photos tab and click. Clicking on your subfolders enables you to select the photos you desire to be transferred from your photo library, camera roll, etc. Y'all can double click if you want to preview the photos you lot have selected.

  3. Step 3)

    You can at present start transfering your photos to your flash drive from your iPhone. Look for the visible option on your top bar and click. Click on Export to Mac to generate a popular-up window. You demand to select your memory stick as your output location. The photos you have chosen will at present exist transferred to your flash bulldoze.

  4. Stride 4)

    Once your photograph transfer is consummate, you tin check to make certain everything has transferred correctly to your wink bulldoze by clicking on Finder. The procedure of transferring your photos to your wink drive from your iPhone using FonePaw should exist complete. The files on your wink drive will be a lot easier to manage. You can also apply the Add characteristic for transferring photos from your iPhone to a PC.

Transferring Your Photos from Google to a Flash Drive

Here are the steps that would help you download all of the pictures from Google Photos and so save them on your flash bulldoze:

  1. The showtime step is to proceed Google Photos
  2. Second, select the images you want by clicking through each one
  3. One time selected, click on More Options, then choose the Download button
  4. In one case you accept finished downloading all of your google photos, simply move them over to the flash drive
Transferring Your Photos from Google

How to Transfer Photos from Email to USB Wink Bulldoze Using Estimator/Laptop

  1. First, open upward the emails where the pictures are located
  2. Download them by correct clicking on the image and and then "save epitome as." There might even exist a download icon or button, and when you download, it volition be in a ZIP file
  3. Extract Nada files using WinZip or any other tool
  4. Insert a USB stick into your computer. It should be detected immediately, and you can admission its contents by clicking on information technology
  5. Correct-click on the photos you wish to transfer and hit "Copy"
  6. Then open upward your USB drive and right-click anywhere and click "Paste"
  7. The photos are copied into the storage device

How to Transfer Photos from Email to USB Wink Bulldoze Using a Smartphone

With the recent popularity of smartphones, many people are discovering they cannot transfer photos from their email account to a flash bulldoze because there is no standard USB port. However, y'all can remedy this with this elementary technique using an OTG capable device like ThePhotoStick Omni.

The steps are as follows:

  1. Start, open up up the email with the pictures you desire to transfer
  2. Connect the OTG capable USB drive
  3. Yous might have to allow the USB access to your information so it tin can transfer data
  4. At present go directly to File Director (or utilise some other app such as ES File Explorer)
  5. Find the pictures that need copying and then select the Copy selection with External Storage every bit the destination device


If you are familiar with the way a typical USB flash drive works, you should consider using Photo Stick. This alternative works the aforementioned mode. You only demand a few seconds to support and salvage all of your pictures. Your photos will all exist stored in one place to eliminate the worries about losing all of them if your hard drive should crash.

You can hook up Photograph Stick to multiple devices including your phone or laptop. Photos can be hands transferred from your devices in just minutes without the demand for any additional tools or software.

Using PhotoStick

Starting time by downloading the complimentary app for PhotoStick mobile, then open it. Once your PhotoStick is connected to your phone, tap Backup Now. Your PhotoStick will take over and commencement scanning everything in your folders. You tin can store all of your photos and videos without the hassle of duplicate files. In one case all of your data has been backed upwards, simply remove it from your smartphone so yous can admission more memory.

Photo Stick is available in a desktop and mobile version. Since there are multiple iOS and Android devices, you need to brand certain you lot purchase the correct version of Photo Stick.


Where Tin I Buy a Photo Stick?

The all-time option for purchasing a Photo Stick is the official website. Although you tin find other sites selling this product, some of them have imitation copies fabricated in Mainland china. This is not what you want and information technology may not operate correctly. The toll of the 8GB PhotoStick model starts at $34.99. The 64GB model costs $49.99 and you can purchase the 128GM model for $79.99.

When you purchase the PhotoStick Mobile version, your toll for the 32GB model is $64.99. The cost of the 64GB model is $98.99 and $120.99 for the 128GB model.

You can find more information including the best place to buy in our in-depth review of ThePhotoStick.


  • You exercise not demand to buy whatever type of extra software
  • Only minutes are required to scan and locate all of your pictures and videos
  • You can use the PhotoStick with your mobile phone, calculator and laptop
  • You lot can plough your PhotoStick on and off just by pressing a button
  • Your life becomes easier because you take weekly backups
  • You lot exercise not need an internet connexion


  • Some people consider PhotoStick expensive
  • You might need some time to get used to the settings and features

Final Word

You no longer need to be concerned y'all might lose all of your favorite photos from your old phones. Whether you adopt Android or iPhone or have a Windows or Mac computer, you can transfer all of your photos to your computer or wink drive to continue them rubber and easily accessible. Transferring your photos to a flash drive is one of the easiest ways to save your precious memories. Equally you take read, it is a simple procedure even if you're not tech savy.


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