Bobst’s new version Accucheck inline inspection system

The new Accucheck is uniform with the latest generation of Masterfold 75/110 or Expertfold 50/80/110

In September, Bobst organized a webinar to showcase the recently launched Accucheck inline inspection system on its binder-gluers. The new version of the Accucheck organisation is part of the Bobst Connect open architecture deject-based platform delivering solutions for pre-press, product, process optimization, maintenance, and market access. The Bobst virtual demonstrations on technical topics have been regular in the past months – they are cursory and to the point.

On the new Accucheck, the inspection parameters for diecut cartons being folded and glued through the machine at loftier speed tin can be set according to diverse criteria, covering client's quality needs. The system as well inspects varnished, metalized, and embossed blanks for defects. It has many other options, such as PDF proofing and providing inspection reports. Its smart text identification characteristic using machine learning was a earth premiere shown to the webinar'southward audience.

"Bespoke inspection is at present possible with this versatile device where all the inspection modes tin be used on the same line. It is a complete quality control organisation," said Benjamin Carron, technical product marketing director at Bobst.

Bobst introduced a fully integrated inline quality command arrangement on a binder-gluer back in 2011 with the beginning generation Accucheck, providing a seamless progression, with no boosted quality command steps required in the process. This solution inspects carton blanks for defects equally they enter the Bobst binder-gluer.

The new version of Accucheck is compatible with the latest generation of Masterfold 75 / 110 or Expertfold 50 / 80 / 110 folder gluers. It checks carton blanks for defects and guarantees quality consistency at speeds up to 500 meters a minute, or 140,000 boxes an hour. That makes it the fastest inline quality control machine and allows it to run at full speed with Accubraille. Accubraille gives carton manufacturers the power to emboss Braille on all iv carton panels and even across the running direction.

Venugopal Menon of Bobst Bharat says, "The speed boost to 500 meters or 140,000 boxes an hr is a huge heave in productivity. Yet, when checking for defects on cartons such as cosmetic cartons with metalized board or foil stamping, the speed is just 150 meters a minute." Menon adds that only the new Accucheck will exist available, and the earlier model discontinued.

Other new features include smart text identification, which is driven past the machine learning algorithm, and a reporting arrangement that can be adapted to client validation targets and is available through a web browser. Accucheck is besides equipped with a dust removal device, which removes over 90% of dust particles to avoid unnecessary default detection.

The new Accucheck is equipped with the HMI Sphere, providing several operating modes for customized settings. Inspection parameters can be saved and recalled, with repeat orders set within seconds. Access rights can be varied and specified for individual users.

"The new Accucheck is twice equally fast as the showtime generation. Information technology provides major innovations for value-added boxes with inspection of varnished, metalized, and embossed surfaces. The changeover time is less than two minutes," said Claude Tomà, Bobst's production support manager.

During the webinar, Bobst customers talked most their feel with the Accucheck. Frederico Baccolini of Renografica said that his company has been using the offset generation of Accucheck. A few years ago, they were on the lookout for an inspection arrangement but did non notice anything that met their requirements. That is when they went for the Accucheck commencement generation.

"Since then, nosotros have been very impressed with the organisation and are waiting for the new version of the Accucheck," Baccolini said. Bologna-based Renografica produces quality cartons for the healthcare sector.

Two alive jobs demonstrated

During the webinar, Bobst performed quality checks on ii cartons that were existence simultaneously folded and glued to demonstrate the capabilities of the new Accucheck. One was new, and the other was a repeat order.

The new carton demonstrated being checked on the folder-gluer was a straight-line pharmaceutical carton using 255 gsm paperboard in the 160 10 156 mm format. The pharma carton printed and decorated with five colors and varnish required a thorough cheque of all small text, among other parameters.

The second job, which was a echo social club, was a value-added cosmetics straight-line carton on 255 gsm paperboard in a 200 x 267 mm format. The cartons printed and decorated in v colors and two varnishes plus hot foil stamping and embossing are particularly challenging and crave moderation of the organisation speed and throughput.

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